Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Summer, please.

So on my grade report, Gary commented that I need to work on showing more process and time management (ain't that the truth?). I have already admitted to being pretty off the ball this semester, but you win some and you lose some. And this has certainly been a 'lose some' semester. Hopefully, next semester will be better.

Anyway, to improve on my process habits, I'm going to try to be more gradual updates (instead of abruptly posting finished products sans process). I have a tendency never to save my work in stages, which is probably bad. I also work very slowly, which is almost certainly bad (found that out this weekend for sure...who knew I could spend two hours on a single page?)

So working more quickly = great idea that I'm sure will contribute to my being less stressed out. I will add, however, that I my projects for this semester have not been for naught. The design and technique I chose for this portfolio site looks to be giving me a run for my whatever...I have picked up more ActionScripting skills in the past three months than I have in the entirety of however long I have been tinkering around on the web.

As for the portfolio research, I'm constantly looking at other sites for inspiration, and I can't really pin-point the idea for this one to any particular source. I have noticed that I used to go into project by researching specifically for the project, which seems to be a good course of action. But more recently it's been more or less random and vague sources of inspiration. I don't sketch too often, and Gary is totally going to kick my @$$ for the fact that I have posted no process on a third project that I began working on this semester....>_>

I know that Gary wanted us to tailor the sites to the cities we will potentially want to be living in/applying for jobs in. I have no idea really where I am hoping to end up, but I am making sure that until I have more of an idea I will throw all of my options out there.

I overheard him mentioning something about making your website so that if you really like web, it will say good things about your web skills. I'm going to try to do something like this, but I will include screencaps and/or links to other web work still to round out the collection.

Really now I'm just rambling because I'm not certain what else to say. I don't have any other sketches, but I can come up with some. Back to work.

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